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GT20 - The Itinerary

The entire route includes several stages that will cross Corsica from North to South, starting from Bastia following roads that take you to Bonifacio, passing through the vibrant centre of the island of beauty.

The GT20 proposes a route of around 600 km for you to travel coast to coast across the island discovering the interior and its villages. On Monday 5th August 2019 the GT20 was inaugurated at the Col de Vergio, the highest point of the route at an altitude of 1464 metres, and connected to the famous hiking GR20.

Official opening of GT20, 5 August 2019

Official opening of GT20, 5 August 2019

The route can be done on traditional road bikes if you have your climbing legs, but also by electric-assisted bicycles (e-bikes). Thanks to the charging stations located along the route, you can recharge your battery free of charge while you enjoy a lunch, an activity or just a break. Some stages also allow you to join the famous GR20 route.

Charging station - Map of charging stations in Corsica

Charging station - Map of charging stations in Corsica

For tailor-made trips, Europe Active, based near Bastia, has set up an offer adapted to the GT20 and Corsica. Over the last few years, we have noticed an increasing demand for e-bike trips in Corsica. An initiative such as the Grande Traversée, created by the Corsican Tourist Board, is perfectly in line with the new ways of using bicycles on our island with steep climbs that need those legs !

Europe Active, partner of GT20, at Col de Virgio, 5 August 2019

Europe Active, partner of GT20, at Col de Virgio, 5 August 2019

The GT20 Route

The GT20 consists of a dozen stages to cross Corsica from the northern tip of the Cap Corse to the southern point at Bonifacio.

On the route you will be able to enjoy the Cap Corse, Saint-Florent, Calvi and the Balagne, the Scandola and the Golfe de Porto, the highest road pass in Corsica, Col de Vergio, Corte, a university town, the mountains of the Centre Corse, the Alta Rocca and Zonza, Porto Vecchio and the cliffs of Bonifacio.

The video below shows you the official route of the GT20 in pictures.

logo GT20

GPS application:
follow the track!

The Europe Active application allows you to enjoy and appreciate the scenery of your stay on the GT20 in complete peace of mind!

Simply launch our application and follow the GPS track with your position in real time. No risk of getting lost!

You will also find information on the different points of interest on your route, as well as your accommodation.

Our Cycling App

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